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MORGAN – “Bum Bum”

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BTS: MORGAN – “Bum Bum” (Behind The Scenes Video)

VILLAGE: MORGAN w/ Bevan Agyemang | Styling a Custom Durag Denim Dress | Red Bull Records

MORGAN – Bum Bum (Official Music Video)


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Link to the UK Pop/R&B Artist Morgan Links With Jamaican Superstar Byron Messia On Sizzling New Single “Wheel Up” article
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Link to the UK Pop/R&B Artist Morgan Signs With Red Bull Records And Releases New Single “Bum Bum” | The Dancehall-Infused Single Arrives With UK Tour Dates and a Vibrant Video That Celebrates Her Jamaican Roots and Feminine Power article
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Like most musical greats, Morgan is unafraid to carve her own path. Born to a Jamaican father and Jewish mother, she struggled as a child “with being too Black for my white friends, too white for my Black friends.” This push and pull is something she’s owned through her releases, from the sparkling pop of debut EP Alien, to the dance hits she’s created writing for other artists such as Rudimental, Sigma, and increasingly, K-pop artists. Now with combined streams of over 80 million and a dedicated online following, Morgan is doing things her way, and it’s working. Just as Rihanna has diversified through different eras, Morgan applies that same ethic to her own music, with the unifying thread being her distinctive vocals and understanding of what it takes to make a hit. Freshly signed to a label, the first taste of a project from Morgan is ‘Bum Bum’, where she’s exploring her feminine power and sampling the iconic Sister Nancy tune, a track that mines her Jamaican heritage. With a UK headline tour planned later this year, Morgan is just getting started.

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